Hinckley ADHD Group

Welcome to our page!

This is a central location where people can find out about this group and our activities outside of social media platforms. We primarily run through our Facebook Group and this is the best way to interact with the group right now. If you want to get in contact outside of Facebook please email us at HinckleyADHD@gmail.com. (We will do our best to monitor and respond to this email but we do all have ADHD.)

The Social Group

This group has been set up first and foremost to be a place where people can share and discuss their experiences being an adult with ADHD local to the area of Hinckley. Whether you are just starting to consider if you have ADHD, have known since you were a child, are late-diagnosed, self-diagnosed, peer-review-diagnosed or just plain curious about the condition, anyone is welcome to join us.

We are not experts!

Nobody associated with this group is qualified to give advice on how you should go about addressing ADHD, other neurodivergences or related conditions. We may share our personal experiences and give recommendations of what has been helpful for us but we will always encourage people to seek multiple opinions, and to include those of professionals. Any services and resources we share should be used with appropriate consideration of personal needs and alongside other research.

Signposting to the group:

While we want to welcome anyone who would benefit from joining this group we ask that you bear in mind that our admins are here to socialise and get support too. If you are pointing people to us, please link them to this site and let us know through Facebook or our email. This way we are aware people may join us and we may be able to feedback on how well signposting is working.